Today.Az » Politics » Such small number of new COVID-19 cases in Azerbaijan is gratifying - WHO
16 June 2022 [14:35] - Today.Az

By Trend

Such a small number of new COVID-19 cases in Azerbaijan is gratifying, WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus said at the IX Global Baku Forum on “Challenges to the global world order” on June 16, Trend reports.

According to Ghebreyesus, a large percentage of the world's population has been vaccinated against the virus, but it’s too early to declare victory over the threat.

“Of course, the pandemic isn’t the sole crisis in the world. We’re facing problems arising from climate change and political conflicts. We call on all countries to continue the fight against the COVID-19 because this is a necessary measure to address global threats on the agenda,” he noted.

“It’s important to understand what the situation with the pandemic teaches us, that is a necessity to strengthen the healthcare system,” added the WHO chief.

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