Today.Az » Politics » 26 years pass since Khojavand's occupation
02 October 2018 [08:09] - Today.Az

By Azernews

By Sara Israfilbayova

The occupation of the Khojavand region of Azerbaijan by Armenian armed forces is another black page in the history of our country.

In the battles, which ended on October 2, 1992, as many as 147 Khojavand residents were killed, more than 300 people were injured, many of whom have remained disabled to this day.

As many as 100 civilians in different periods of occupation became hostages of the Armenian military, 49 of them did not survive the harsh conditions of captivity.

Khojavand was established on the basis of Martuni and Hadrut administrative regions after the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region of Azerbaijan was abolished in 1991. The region has an area of 1,458 square kilometers and its population was about 41,216 people before the occupation. The region includes Khojavand city, two large settlements Girmizi Bazar and Hadrut, and 81 villages.

The terrain of Khojavand region is mostly mountainous – its height varies from approximately 500 to 2,800 meters. The region has Kurichay, Chaylukh, Aghoghlanchay and some other rivers.

There were 10 pre-school institutions, 21 eight-year and 16 secondary schools, 40 libraries, 5 hospitals, and 27 health posts. The population was mainly engaged in viticulture, arable farming, potato growing, garnet farming, animal husbandry and especially pig breeding, poultry farming, sericulture etc.

Most of the area was covered with forests, where several species of rare trees grew. In the burned areas, 47 plant and 19 tree species were burned and destroyed.

Before the occupation, the city of Khojavand, two large settlements - the Gyrmyzy Bazaar and Hadrut, and 83 villages were located in Khojavand region. In these lands, among the monuments of nature, there was one copy of a two-thousand-year eastern Chinar, as well as centenarian Azat trees that were included in the Red Book.

Today, many of these trees, carefully guarded by Azerbaijan, have been cut down by the aggressor.

As a result of military aggression, the ancestral territories of Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh and 7 administrative regions attached to it are occupied by Armenia.

More than 20 percent of the territory of Azerbaijan was occupied, more than 20,000 people were killed, more than 50,000 people were wounded and maimed. More than 1 million people, victims of the policy of genocide and ethnic cleansing carried out by Armenia against Azerbaijan, live in the situation of refugees and IDPs, are deprived of basic human rights.

So, Armenia grossly violating the provisions of the Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and the Convention on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, is engaged in looting cultural property of Azerbaijan.

Despite the demands expressed in UN Security Council resolutions on the need to recognize the territorial integrity of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the release of the occupied territories of Azerbaijan without preconditions, the Republic of Armenia continues to pursue its aggressive policy.

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