Today.Az » Politics » Russian,Ukrainian FMs and OSCE Chairman hold talks on Karabakh conflict
30 March 2013 [12:30] - Today.Az

Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov held talks with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the OSCE Acting Chairman Leonid Kozhara.

At a joint press conference held after the meeting, Lavrov said: “According to the international agenda, we discussed, in particular, the Transnistrian settlement. Russia and Ukraine are not only the mediator states, but also the guarantee of the agreements that will be reached by the parties to the conflict. And in this regard, we have agreed to further coordinate our actions. We also discussed other conflict situations that are on the agenda of the OSCE, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, the situation in Kosovo and other issues.” Lavrov said that Russia supports the results of the first three months of the chairmanship of Ukraine at the OSCE and organization's priorities set forth for this year.

Noting that the meeting discussed a wide range of issues, Leonid Kozhara said: “Particular attention was paid to the so-called frozen conflicts. Russia and Ukraine as state-guarantors and mediators in the negotiation process in the international format 5 +2, have confirmed readiness to support the Transnistrian settlement, with the support of all members of this negotiating format. “

As noted at the press conference, the meeting discussed the main issues of the Russian-Ukrainian cooperation, a number of major international and regional issues. The parties discussed the schedule of bilateral meetings and events at the highest levels.
Considering the current issues related to the stay of the Russian Black Sea Fleet on Ukrainian territory, it was expressed interest in further enhancing work on the development of the legal framework governing the presence of the Russian Fleet on Ukrainian territory in accordance with the appropriate agreements.

Attention also was paid to the analysis of the negotiation process on the Azov-Kerch settlement, as well as cooperation on border issues, including in the context of simplifying the process of crossing the Russian-Ukrainian border by the citizens of Russia and Ukraine.
The parties discussed the prospects of cooperation between Russia and Ukraine in the cultural sphere, including in connection with activities dedicated 1025 anniversary of Christianity in Russia, and the 200th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko.

Lavrov and Kozhara confirmed the necessity to continue on a regular basis of consultations between the foreign ministries of Russia and Ukraine to ensure effective coordination of efforts in solving the problems of bilateral cooperation and development cooperation within the CIS, the UN, the Council of Europe, etc.

Taking into consideration Ukraine's chairmanship at the OSCE in 2013, the Ministers discussed in detail the priorities of the two countries in this organization, the prospects of the “Helsinki Plus 40”, designed to develop a strategic vision for the OSCE to the 40th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act in 2015. The sides exchanged views on issues of military-political, economic and environmental and human dimensions of the work, issues of conflict resolution and OSCE reform.

The two ministers made emphasis on the principle of security, capacity building of the OSCE in combating transnational threats, promoting dialogue on integration processes, on the questions of freedom of movement, visa liberalization, election monitoring, protection of rights of national minorities, as well as the continuation of the debate on the legal status and other issues concerning the OSCE reform.

At the meeting, the sides reach an agreement on the coordination and cooperation during the presidency of Ukraine and in the preparation of the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting, to be held in Kiev on December 5-6 current year.


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