Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Tahir Salahov honors Russian state award
11 June 2013 [10:40] - Today.Az

Source: AzerNews

Famous Azerbaijani artist Tahir Salahov has been awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation "For contribution to the development of fine arts."

The Russian award is the highest recognition of the merits of science and culture to the society and the state.

Tahir Salahov is winner of the State Prize of the USSR and Azerbaijan, Vice President of the Russian Academy of Arts, People's Artist of the USSR, Azerbaijan and Russia. He also holds other titles. He also served as first secretary of the Union of Artists of the USSR.

Salahov was born in 1928 in Baku. Salahov studied at the Azerbaijan Art College named after A.Azimzade in Baku and the Moscow Art Institute.

Works of Salahov have an amazing feature: they not only do not lose their relevance, but also often surpass their time. His creative range is extremely broad, spanning the fields of painting, drawing and scenography.

The moral issues that matter for people today can be clearly seen in his works.

Salahov's early works caught the attention of art lovers and were successfully exhibited at major shows, bought by Moscow museums and awarded international prizes.

Salahov paints his family and friends with great love. Such works as "Aidan", "Alagez - the Legend of the East" and a series of images of his wife are full of kindness and warmth.

One of the most famous early portraits of Salahov is the picture of Azerbaijani composer Gara Garayev. A few people know how much preliminary work - sketches and drawings - the artist had to do before this portrait was ready.

His works do not embellish or distort reality, but sincerely reflect the contradictions and hopes of the era in such works as "Plowed Field", "Wild Lands", "Repairmen", "Women of Absheron" and "The New Sea".

Works of Salahov are represented in major museums of Russia and other countries, including the Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, National Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow, Russia State Museum, the Research Museum under the Russian Academy of Fine Arts (St. Petersburg), the Azerbaijan State Museum of Art (Baku), as well as in many public and private collections of the world. He has regularly participated in major national, academic and thematic exhibitions.

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