Today.Az » Arts & Entertainment » Eurovillage project implemented in Baku’s Inner City
04 June 2013 [13:53] - Today.Az

Source: AzerNews

Icherisheher (Old City), a unique state historical and architectural preserve in the center of Baku, has implemented a EuroVillage project last weekend in connection with International Children's Day, June 1.

The event was organized by the European Union delegation to Azerbaijan and European countries' embassies, along with the Icherisheher preserve.

The project realized in Azerbaijan sought to highlight the diversity and abundance of European cultural life in the historic part of Baku by presenting dances, music, food, languages and many other activities to the Azerbaijani public. The project also informed about the EU's activity in Azerbaijan.

The festival held in front of the tower gates Gosha Gala Gapisi in the Old City presented 21 stands of the European countries. The stands provided information about the national culture, education system and tourism.

A number of contests were held in the frame of the project. Moreover, participants took part in European language and dance studies and sang European songs in karaoke.

The German stand attracted the most of the attention. The stand not only briefed visitors about the country, but also showed a film on the 20-year-long Azerbaijani-German relations.

According to the head of the EU delegation to Azerbaijan Roland Kobia, holding the Eurovillage project in the Old City symbolizes profound development of the EU-Azerbaijan cultural relations.

"Today we celebrate a major cultural event of the EU and Azerbaijan, which signifies the friendly relations between us," he said, inviting everyone to take part in the project and learn more about Europe.

The Eurovillage guests were also welcomed by the European countries' ambassadors in Baku, including those of France, the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Rumania, and the UK.

Young winners of the children's drawing contest, organized by the EU for the second time in Azerbaijan, were given the opportunity to study the English and French languages.

Icherisheher, a pearl of the Azerbaijani culture, possesses hundreds of historical monuments, four of which are of global importance.

The Old City is a unique town within the city of Baku with its own infrastructure and residential communities. The fortress is located in the center of Baku along the coast of the Caspian Sea.

The unique historic monuments and a wide range of tourism options make Icherisheher one of the most popular tourist attractions in Azerbaijan.

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