Today.Az » Business » Azerbaijan ranking 82nd in the list of Best countries for Business
30 June 2008 [09:01] - Today.Az
The Forbes magazine has worked out a rating of the Best countries for business.

Main criteria in finding the best are business climates in each of more than 120 national economies, focusing on degrees of personal freedoms, like the right to participate in free and fair elections, or freedom of expression and organization.

Topping the list for 2008: Denmark, which rose three slots from last year, Ireland (up 19 places to No. 2), Finland (up four to third place), the U.S. (down three to fourth) and U.K. (up five to fifth). Big movers like Ireland, Estonia (No. 10, up 24 spots) and Saudi Arabia (No. 47, up 37) have limited bureaucracy standing in the way of entrepreneurs hoping to do business within their borders.

Estonia is leading among the post-Soviet countries, taking the 10th place and Azerbaijan is on the 82nd.

Some of the post-Soviet countries took the following positions:

Estonia-10, Lithuania-30, Latvia-32, Armenia-63, Georgia-68, Kazakhstan-69, Ukraine-75 (between Arabic Emirates and Egypt), Kyrgyzstan-84, Russia-86 (between Kenya and Nigeria), Moldova -90, Uzbekistan-106 and Tajikistan-118.

Chad is concluding the list taking the 121st place in the Forbes rating.


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