Today.Az » Business » Azerbaijan to use renewable energy to meet Karabakh's power needs
08 September 2021 [13:46] - Today.Az

By Azernews

By Ayya Lmahamad

Azerbaijan will produce electricity on territories liberated from Armenia's occupation in 2020, by using renewable energy sources, Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov has stated.

He made the remarks at the ministerial roundtable on "Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development" within the framework of the "Charter of Cooperation" (CoC), which was held between the oil-producing countries.

"Our main goal is to meet the power needs of these areas at the expense of renewable energy sources," the minister said.

Moreover, he spoke about the declaration of the country's liberated territories as a green energy zone by President Ilham Aliyev and the current development of a relevant concept and master plan.

Furthermore, Shahbazov emphasized that the achievement of a clean environment and the transformation into a green development country until 2030 as one of the five national priorities on the socio-economic development was an indicator of Azerbaijan's commitment to the energy transition process.

It should be noted that nearly 100 participants, including ministers, senior executives and representatives of international organizations, attended the event in a videoconference format. The Azerbaijani delegation included the employees from the Energy Ministry and the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry.

Azerbaijan allocated $1.5 billion for the reconstruction of the liberated territories in 2021. In particular, these funds will be used to restore the infrastructure (electricity, gas, water, communications, roads, education, health, etc), as well as cultural and historical monuments.

A Russia-brokered ceasefire deal that Azerbaijan and Armenia signed on November 10, 2020, brought an end to the 44-day war between the two countries. The Azerbaijani army declared a victory against the Armenian troops. The signed agreement obliged Armenia to withdraw its troops from the Azerbaijani lands that it had occupied.

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