Today.Az » Business » Azerbaijan built over 20,000 km gas pipeline since 2009
24 July 2013 [08:30] - Today.Az

Azerigas Production Association of the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) constructed 21,200 kilometres of gas pipelines in 2009-2013, a report released by SOCAR on Tuesday said.

Out of the total constructed pipelines, 20.1 kilometers fell to regions, 916.2 kilometers - to Baku and 182.7 kilometers - to main gas pipelines.

During the reporting period some 6,892.6 kilometres of gas pipelines were renovated. Some 3,899.6 kilometres out of this fell to Baku, and the rest - to the regions and main gas pipelines.

In the first half-year some 5049.9 kilometres of gas pipelines were constructed and 938.6 kilometres were repaired by the production association.

Azerigaz distributes and sells gas in the territory of Azerbaijan.


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