Today.Az » Business » Transgaz Medias gets mandate to facilitate Nabucco
21 June 2012 [16:36] - Today.Az

Romanian government approved a mandate for the Transgaz Medias national natural gas transmission corporation to represent the country under the Nabucco gas pipeline project, ACTMedia Romanian news agency reported with the reference to government's spokesman Andrei Zaharescu.

According to Zaharescu, the company, which is one of Nabucco consortium shareholders, is mandated to take all necessary internal measures to represent Romania's interests under Nabucco project and approve a work schedule to speed up internal measures required for facilitating the project in Romania.

Nabucco pipeline is one of the Southern gas corridor projects, designed to transport gas from the Caspian reagion and Middle East to the European countries. Gas to be produced within the second phase of Azerbaijani Shah Deniz gas field development is considered as the main source for the project.

The project's current shareholders are Bulgarian Energy Holding, Romanian Transgaz, Turkish Botas, Austrian OMV, German RWE and Hungary's FGSZ.

In May the Nabucco Consortium submitted a proposal to the Shah Deniz II Consortium for the construction of a "Nabucco West" pipeline, which would supply Caspian gas from the Bulgarian-Turkish border to Baumgarten and beyond.


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